The new moon tonight will kickstart the holy month of ramadan. The month when the noble Quran was revealed as a guidance to mankind. It is a month when a believer connects with his creator by submitting himself completely. One completely gives up on food, drink and other pleasures from dawn to dusk to exersize self control. It is the month of introspection, repent and reform.
It is a month when a muslim gives zakath(2.5% of savings) to the needy. It is a reminder to the ummah "stop being the needy". It is a reminder that the wealth, life and every other possession is only an amanah from Allah. To spend it in his path will only increase the wealth in terms of barakah(blessing).
For me personally it is yet another new beginning. I will start working on a new project and might have to visit Uncle Sam for some consulting work. Looks like this ramadan might be spent half at home and half with Uncle Sam. It will be an interesting experience. This will be my second ramadan spent away from home.
Last couple of months have been very lazy for me. I have let myself down by being very laid back. I have not been moving in the right direction. The work has been monotonous and a bit boring. Though there has been an opportunity to learn I have not actually made the most of it. I need to introspect and get my life back on track.Need to get things moving in the right direction.
Beginning tomorrow, I have to focus on getting my sleep cycle on track. I have to make the most of the morning time. The best phases of my life have been when I got up for fajr and used the morning fruitfully. Sleep after fajr destroys the entire day. I can not work with a heavy head. Another priority is to continue with the understanding of the Quran. This endeavor has been on hold for sometiem now. I studied more than half of the book with understanding last year but suddenly dould not move ahead. Inshallah, I need to put some effort on that front as well.
Another thing I need to completely get rid of this newly acquired habit of procrastination. It surely does kill the opportunity. I have to start doing things now. To begin with I need to brush up with some of the technologies which I consider my strength but I am out of touch for a while now.
There is a lot on my plate(work wise). I hope this blog entry will get me back on the right track both professionally and personally. Inshallah, this will be a ramadan that will give me the right direction and make my life more valuable in all respects.